Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

OK. For those of you who read June 8, scratch McGregor. I just found the actual most charming, most picturesque town I’ve ever seen, except for my all-time favorite, Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, the standard against which all towns are measured. (I’ve even worked up a rating equation: 
x = [H(G + y)]
This most charming town also provided me with the second-best ice cream cone of my life! The top scoop was Almond Joy, the bottom scoop was peanut butter fudge. The middle scoop--naw, just kidding! One of my favorite traveling joys is eating an ice cream cone on the curb or shop stairs. You wouldn’t believe how many passersby INSIST that I share with Jubilee. As if I wouldn’t!

1 comment:

  1. That mansion is fantastic! Did you get to tour that one too, or just the one in McGregor? xoxo


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