Sunday, June 6, 2010

I completed my first “real” painting of my journey, thus far. Oh, am I glad to have found my way back into the zone! I’ve been rapping on the door for months, waiting for guidance to entry. Yesterday,  I just closed my eyes,  said a prayer,  and pretty much called out, “ready or not, here I come!” I walked without vision into that sacred space, trusting the vibe like a bat.  I hope and pray I have broken through my inertia with this painting and that I will establish a discipline once again.

I intended to drive only 40 miles today to connect with Hans further down the river in a tiny hamlet called Victory. It left us unvictorious, however,  as we were unable to find each other. I drove back and forth along Hwy 35, hoping to find him docked at any of several small boat ramps. But since I had no cell reception, we could not track each other. He may have been  delayed by the locks, or perhaps made reached “ludicrous speed” with the wind at his back today and traveled beyond. I’m boondocking tonight at a little boat ramp four miles south of our original destination. It’s quiet and pretty and even though it’s 9pm, it’s quite light and the birds are still singing. 


  1. It's so cool that you and Hans are meeting up everywhere. Please tell him hi for me. And yay for painting! xoxo

  2. Just caught up on your blog. Love how your writing is evolving. What a grand adventure you are having. Can't wait to see a photo of your first painting. Love you!


El Granada Depot

El Granada Depot

Blue Romeo

Blue Romeo