Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 5, 2010

I've decided to dedicate the month of June to driving leisurely along the Great River Road (Hwy 35), which conforms to the shape of the Mississippi River for several hundred miles through Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Yesterday I drove a total of 86 miles, which took about 4 hours! I stopped at several places along the way to observe the beauty and participate in SERENITY. The countryside is just jaw-drop gorgeous. Little hamlets dot the road every 10 miles or so, each with its own flair and personality, its own historic sites, and bragging rights to the longest Main Street. Most of the towns had no other streets but Main Street. The woodlands are hardwoods, achingly green, overdosed on chlorophyll. I can only imagine the splendor of the fall colors.

This month will be a much-needed retreat from the drive to...DRIVE. A solemn summation of my bank account withdrawals and a matching drain on my nerves has led me to this choice. I'm quite pleased with it, too. Not only will it afford me greater peace, it will also stretch my funds, and the best part of all: offer numerous opportunities to connect with my son Hans along the way!

Since I'm in my serenity mode, let me take this moment to THANK each of you who has taken the time to read my blogs and thereby connect with me on this journey. When I sit down to write, I feel like a little lighthouse in the fog, sending forth my beacon. When you read me, it feels like you're seeing me. Like you  glimpse the light radiating from this journey, which has become an entity itself.

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