Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20, 2010, FATHER'S DAY

I want to start this blog with a tribute to my father, the kind genius, who more than anyone, shaped my ideals, my ethics, and my sense of whimsy. He taught me some of my most treasured lessons by the example of his life. Even now, as he struggles daily with Alzheimers to form a simple word, he exemplifies courage, acceptance, kindness, and undying love. Happy Father's Day, Daddy. You are still my hero.

This morning, before the heat got too intense, Hans and I enjoyed walking around Hannibal, MO, visiting a few notable Mark Twain structures and taking in the sounds and aromas of this quaint, if somewhat crumbly, riverboat town. By 10:30am, we embarked upon our separate journeys. I had just a 45 minute drive to what appeared to be a shady state park. I intended to get there early and stay put for 2 days of non-moving splendor. Eight hours and 200 miles later, I finally pulled into camp!

A series of unfortunate events unfolded for me today! the first was a casually indicated "detour" along my planned route. It turned out to be more than 50 miles long! It was a gorgeous detour, however. Winding, hilly country roads through farmland and hardwood forests. No towns. I kept my eye trained on the gas gage, growing increasingly nervous about its decent into the EMPTY zone. At last I came into a little town with one gas station that was--you guessed it! CLOSED. I flagged down a kind woman who assured me there was another station at the other end of town. I was afraid to even try the ignition, but it worked, and I barely coasted up to the pumps. Whew! close one!

The interesting lack of road and highway signs in this pretty state continued to confound me throughout the day. I tracked and backtracked so many times I utterly lost my sense of direction, even with the river flowing right next to me. Every time I stopped for directions, which was often, I got a different answer and a whole new route to try and follow, and a whole new level of heat-blast. I even tried to find three different ferries that would get me across the Great River to avoid another 50-mile detour. But all three of the ferries were closed. That's a hundred extra miles right there!

I drove through St. Louis, trying to keep my blood from boiling, either from within or without. The mercury reached 100 today, which made itself a well-known reality every time I left my car for more misdirections. How many ways could there possibly be to go south?

Oh well, I did arrive at the state park this evening, and it is beautiful. I'm parked beneath two behemoth shade trees and am hooked up to the electric box so my air conditioner is running, soothing my rattled brain and removing the bubbles from my blood. Jubilee has been an angel all day, co-piloting next to me in her booster seat, jumping into my lap to encourage me every time I gave vent to a pre-rage groan. What a trooper.


  1. AHHHH you found the fence AWESOME!

  2. Gave my grandson "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" for his 8th birthday yesteday. I hope he enjoys it! Your pictures of the area are wonderful! Vicariously enjoying your journey.


El Granada Depot

El Granada Depot

Blue Romeo

Blue Romeo