Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19, 2010

I experienced the most audacious lightning and thunder show of my life last night. Remember the strobe lights of the 70's discos? Same thing, except it all took place under a gauzy blanket of thick, grey clouds. The strobes of lightning came ever second or two,  bright and flashy enough to bring on seizures, but I couldn't help but watch! Wind, too, enough to sway the Motherload, which also vibrated with each thunderclap. Slept like a baby!

Hans and I enjoyed a mosey around the quaint historical residential area of Quincy, IL, noted for its architectural wealth. The houses are circa 1840-1890, ornate, beautiful, and dreamy. We call neighborhoods like this "Disney"hoods, after the one pictured in "Lady and the Tramp". We happened upon a hand-cut stone mansion built for $50,000 in 1890, which is now a museum and open for tour for $3. I was even allowed to take Jubilee with me, if I promised to carry her. Trembling, aching biceps, but worth every tremor. It was a private tour, filled with amusing historical details about real life for real people during that era.

The thermometer topped out at 94 today, to match the humidity. That figure also seems to match my no-deodorant threshold. Sorry, Quincy natives!

I drove southerly, then westerly over the river again to meet up with Hans further downriver in Hannibal, MO, home of Mark Twain. What a great little town, and plenty of intrigue and gawking for Twain lovers. Inspires me to read Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn again!

I don't know how this happens so consistently, but I seem to have incredible luck finding the prettiest spots to camp in and the nicest folks to connect with. I can only deduce that our country is filled with pretty spots and nice folks. In Hannibal, our lovely campground is just one mile from town. Our site is located right on a fresh little creek--perfect for Jubilee! We are shaded by an enormous canopy of Elm trees, AND I found a nice person at the marina who graciously granted Hans a tie-off at his boat slip. This kind of goodness on all accounts is the most common and consistent theme of my entire journey. I can't tell you how deep my satisfaction runs.

1 comment:

  1. 1) I love thunderstorms!

    2) Part of the reason that you keep finding nice folks is that you are one yourself! What goes around comes around and I am sure they go home and tell their friends about the nice lady and her dog that they met in town today.

    3) Have you seen a steamboat yet?


El Granada Depot

El Granada Depot

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Blue Romeo