Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 22, 2010

I’m double-dirty-dog tired after a wonderful and full day driving through incredible landscapes, backtracking and detouring due to road repairs and closures, and basically living in utter awe all day long. Wyoming is so expansive and untamed, I have no words. The words I wanted to say were, “Oh my precious God in Heaven, hallowed be thy name!” but that would have required me closing my gaping mouth. I suffered an awe-inspired muteness instead, and brayed like a donkey. I have found a campsite in Ten Sleep, Wy. (I have to find out how this town got its name!), on the outskirts of town, which is just a few feet from the beginning of town. 

I cannot comprehend the wide-open, unchallenged vastness of such a place as Wyoming. I hope in my dreams tonight my spirit is beckoned to grow to the scale.

Sorry my camera battery died this morning. Tomorrow I hope to have some kind of decent record of this place!


  1. Spring is bursting out all over Wyoming I see. I'm sooooo wishing I had been there to witness with you :o( It's rainy, cold, blustery with occasional spurts of bright sunlight. Yesterday, right out my front door, I got to witness the most brilliant, stunning rainbow of my whole life in Oregon! WOW. So that is some consolation for what I'm missing by not being with you today. Thith avec ILYTAP Quell?


El Granada Depot

El Granada Depot

Blue Romeo

Blue Romeo