Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010

This morning, I opened my eyes and the windows and let the angst of yesterday float out and away into the clear, blue sky. In its place, peace claimed me. Or I claimed it. We made a good driving partners today, and I've invited it to stay!

I drove 250 miles today. I feel light of heart since making my decision to return home.  I realized when I awoke this morning that returning home does not necessarily mean terminating my journey. It might mean taking a break for awhile, then continuing on. Perhaps doing shorter segments at a time. Who knows? Here is ONE thing I know: There are actually some things that are OK not to know. 

I'm camped at a spot near Washburn, Wisconsin, on Lake Superior, about 60 miles or so from Minnesota. It is just beautiful here, and has been gorgeous all day, as I inhaled great gulps of fresh air through the open windows, reveling in the ecstatically green hardwood forests. I was told that Lake Superior is the only lake in the U.S. that creates it own weather. If so, I'd say it's doing a great job. It's about 75 and slightly breezy, with huge, pantaloon-style clouds billowing out in all directions. 

My camp neighbors were so kind as to make room for me at their campfire so I could roast my hot dogs and corn. I'd been savoring the idea of campfire weenies all day, but was so tired when I pulled into camp I didn't relish the idea of making a fire. The bakery buns I'd purchased earlier cushioned those dogs like downy pillows and made each chomp a mighty satisfying campaign against hunger.

Tomorrow I will rise early to enjoy a brisk walk along the lake before embarking again on an unknown road through an unfamiliar land. I can't wait to see what unfolds!

1 comment:

  1. Janie, so glad you are feeling great about a great decision. When I read that you are in Washburn, my heart jumped. My Dad grew up there. Please see my e-mail of this evening requesting some pictures of their former home, if convenient and easy for you to do!! Love and thanks from Marcia.


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